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Support the project!

To help keep Not On The West End going until theatres reopen, you can support us in many ways! 

Most importantly, you can buy from any of our amazing businesses. The point of this project is to help UK theatre professionals to keep going until we can get back to our jobs. If you want any recommendations, you can always email, or DM me on instagram and I will try to find you a business that offers what you're after. Or you can browse through the gallery and feature pages. 

We have a ko-fi page - where you can buy us a "coffee"! You can make a donation to the project, from £3 to help us pay for extra marketing materials - donations here have funded stickers and postcards that were distributed around Not On The West End businesses for packaging their orders.

The Ko-Fi logo. A blue circle with a white coffee cup icon with a red heart on.

If, like so many of us, you aren't in a position to financially support our businesses by buying from them, you can do so much without spending a penny! Social media algorithms are not designed to help small businesses, but you can help trick them. Find our businesses on Facebook and Instagram and follow their accounts, and like their posts, comment (the more words the better!), share their work and credit them. Make sure your friends and family know which businesses you really like, so that you might get a really good surprise on your birthday or Christmas morning. 

Sharing the project will help so many businesses in one go. Make sure you're checking back in regularly, because more businesses are added to the gallery every week and featured businesses go up every single day. 

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