Emma’s Earth is a homemade reusable business that sell reusable products to replace single use items in your home! It is a 100% plastic free, one woman business, based in Bristol that is here to help you make easy swaps for your zero waste journey. Products range from un-paper towels, reusable makeup pads, face masks, metal straw pouches, scrunchies, napkins, beeswax wraps and more!
Hi, I’m Emma, a musical theatre actress living in Bristol. I specialise in children’s theatre and immersive theatre and after losing multiple acting jobs last year and having to move out of London due to the pandemic, I created Emma’s Earth. I have always been passionate about taking steps towards living an eco-conscious lifestyle and I want to bring you affordable, super cute products to make your life a little bit more plastic free!
I use recycled materials to make the products (sourced from secondhand marketplaces and charity shops) and all shipping materials are reusable, compostable and recyclable. I have over 70 different fabrics to choose from so you can make your product unique to you!
Every product is made to order. I sell on Etsy, Instagram and my website (which is launching very soon!). I also trade at various markets in the UK throughout the year so keep an eye on my Instagram to see if I’m trading at a market near you!
Where to find me:
Instagram: @emmas.earth.shop
Facebook: Emma’s Earth
Website: www.emmasearth.co.uk
Etsy: EmmasEarthShop
Email: hello@emmasearth.co.uk
Come and say hi and have a browse at what gorgeous products I have to offer!
Use the code NOTONTHEWESTEND for 10% off all products for today only!!!!
#emmasearth #emmasearthreusables #emmasearthhomemadereusables #supportthearts #supportuktheatres #reusables #reduce #reuse #recycle #secondhand #slowfashion #slowliving #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreelife #plasticfree #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #choosetoreuse #lifewithoutplastic #nowaste #ourplanetourhome #bansingleuseplastic #noexcuseforsingleuse #uktheatre #musicaltheatrelife #supportheatrearts #supportheatre #immersivetheatre #inclusivetheatre